Auto Key Presser

August 3rd, 2023 - Free - 100% Safe
(14 votes, average: 2.93 out of 5)
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Auto Key Presser will help you with mundane and repetitive tasks that involve pressing the same buttons over a certain time, as it will automate the key pressing process and thus save you time with everyday tasks.

Make Your Work Easier

Some jobs involve a lot of key pressing, and sometimes, the problem is that these keys are so repetitive that it can be very time-consuming. It’s better to automate the process, where you’ll need a good application.

That’s where Auto Key Presser comes in handy. This tool is exactly what its name suggests: it will help you press some keys over time that will help you automate certain tasks. You can specify which keys must be pressed and the intervals between the presses.

You can also assign a bit more advanced keyboard shortcuts to this application.

Lightweight and Straightforward

It is made for simplicity. All you need to do is specify which keys you want to have pressed and the interval between the presses. It has a minimalistic main window with a simple UI, which means you don’t have many advanced options and configurations in this tool. However, it will still get the job done expertly.

You can assign the keys to the application, which will help you save a lot of time, whether you need this for your job, work, or other uses. You can input a single or dual command into the interface.

After choosing your keys, you can select the intervals at which the keys are to be pressed. Then all you need to do is press the Start button.

Note that this application is not among the more advanced tools when it comes to automation. It does its job, but don’t expect to have many advanced tools – although, for most users, this will be more than enough.


Auto Key Presser will help you automate tasks by allowing you to press keys after designated intervals.

Technical details

Latest version:
File name:
MD5 checksum:
File size:
1.12 MB
Supported OS
Windows 11 / Windows 10 / Windows 8 / Windows 7
Arifur Rahman

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