
July 24th, 2023 - Free - 100% Safe
(3 votes, average: 3.33 out of 5)
  • Review

Chatty allows you to chat with other Twitch friends and people worldwide. It has features like emoticons, the option to customize the colors of the chat window, and some of the specific Twitch-related features that can help improve Twitch’s management.

Twitch is one of the most popular platforms on the internet for streaming. On it, you can see the streams of your favorite streamers and watch the content you want to see.

It allows users to watch whatever they want, and it’s also well-known for being very friendly to creators since it allows them to receive donations and more.

However, some users can’t chat because there’s no built-in chatting function. To solve that, you can use Chatty, a tool designed for Twitch users to chat with other users outside the browser window.

It’s known as a separate application with some additional chatting functions that complete the experience.

Additional Advantages

It has some advantages over other chatting tools and Twitch chat because some neat features can be found here.

For instance, you can run the app in multiple instances, allowing you to chat with many users simultaneously and create a Favorites section where you can arrange your favorite streams.

You can also receive notifications from your favorite streamers, which will let you know when the show is going live or some updates you would be interested in learning.

It has channels, which are chatting communities where you can meet other people, too, and there are some administrative tools that channel admins will use here.

Connects to Your Twitch Account

Before using the tool, you must grant access to your Twitch account. You can do that by signing into your account and allowing Chatty to have access to your account.

You can connect with your favorite channels and friends on Twitch.


Chatty is a great app if you want a dedicated and separate chatting tool to complement your Twitch experience and improve it.

Technical details

Latest version:
File name:
MD5 checksum:
File size:
17.62 MB
Supported OS
Windows 11 / Windows 10 / Windows 8 / Windows 7

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